After sales services>
We closely monitor our installations all over the world, thanks to our service engineers located in our HQ and in all our subsidiaries.
Cama service programs are based on:
A team of qualified Commissioning Engineers are responsible to follow and coordinate all project phases, from initial mechanical assembly of the equipment to final commissioning at customers’ sites, thereby ensuring a single operational and technical interface.
On site worldwide technical service.
Remotely our electronic engineers are capable of addressing and solving software and hardware issues.
After sales support>
Spare parts
Easy and quick identification and order management.
Consultancy and customized list proposal.
Cama Academy
Continuous and professional trainings secure your machine investment by utilizing our extensive resources: training rooms, training on the Job and tailor-made courses.
Size part and modernization
Whenever you need a machine upgrade in order to meet new marketing needs, our specialists will provide you with the needed information and parts to package new formats and/or to handle new products.
Customized manuals
Each customer will get after the machine commissioning a copy of the machine manual, tailored to its specific machine.
After sales contacts>
We are ready for
your next project>
Cama is the world’s driving worldwide coordinations supplier — we uphold industry and exchange the worldwide trade of merchandise through land transport.